Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Django Unchained Review

I just saw Django Unchained for the second time this weekend with a friend of mine, and since I ranked it as my number one film of 2012, I thought I should write a full review to explain just why I loved it so much, and why you should too.

I don't really know where to begin, so I might as well just start from the top: the script. As always, Quentin Tarantino put together a new exquisitely written script. The entire script flow very smoothly, not only during scenes, but also in scene transitions. All of the dialogue either developed the plot or gave us great insight into the characters. One of my favorite scenes in the movie was the scene with the KKK, not only because of the acting, but because the dialogue was just so hilarious. I also love all of the shots that are clearly homages to the old Spaghetti Westerns that Tarantino is a huge fan of. The quick zooms/pans and the long shots of people riding through the desert are absolutely spot on. They really add to the feeling of the movie and show just how much he loves film in general.

To continue my praise for Tarantino, let's talk about the direction. Just like all of his films before this, he makes even the most mundane thing look beautiful. For example, towards the beginning of the film, Dr. Schultz is filling two glasses of beer, and somehow Tarantino made me so interested in it! And the flashback scenes to Django and Broomhilda are beautifully stylized. As always, Tarantino nailed it.

The acting in this film was absolutely amazing. As expected, Chrisoph Waltz was perfect as bounty hunter Dr. Schultz. It reminded me a lot of his performance in Inglourious Basterds as The Jew Hunter. He was perfectly cast, and I couldn't imagine anyone else playing the role this well. On the other hand, I was not sure about how well Leonardo DiCaprio would do as the slave owner Calvin Candie. Needless to say, this character was much different than anything he's ever done before, and he surprised me with how beautifully he played this fucking psychopath. When these two guys were on the screen, I couldn't take my eyes away.

If I was forced to say one bad thing about this movie, it would be Jamie Foxx's performance as Django. Now, I'm not saying he was bad, per se, just that he didn't live up to my expectations, not did he even come close to matching the other performances in the film. After seeing him give such great performances in films like Ray, Collateral, and Dreamgirls, I expected him to knock this one out of the park. He didn't wow me, but he definitely played the role well, and had he not been overshadowed by Waltz and DiCaprio, I would be writing a much different review.

Tarantino's films have always been known for two things: gratuitous violence and excellent music accompaniment. This movie, as expected, delivered in both departments. I'll skip over the violence for now, because it's better to just see it, but the music in this film was so perfectly chosen. Ever song accurately captured and enhanced the feeling of the scene it was used in. Even if you don't like Tarantino's style or writing, you have to appreciate his acute sense for musical choices. He is always spot on.

I know I've already talked a lot about the acting, but I'm not done. I really wanted to touch on just how great Samuel L Jackson was in the role of Steven. He plays a very similar role to a lot of his previous work, but unlike most movies, in this one he is an antagonist. I can only really equate it to his character in Unbreakable. He's such a great actor, and it was awesome to see him nail an abnormal role for him.


To sum it up, Django Unchained is an excellent addition to Quentin Tarantino's already impressive resume. I'm hesitant to say that it is my favorite of his films, but I think it is one of the best written, and maybe the most well rounded film that he has ever made. Anyone who is a fan of his should definitely see this movie, and even I'd you aren't a huge fan of movies like Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction, I would still suggest giving this one a shot, because it is too good to miss.

Writing: 10/10
Directing: 9.5/10
Acting: 9.5/10
Pacing: 9/10
Rewatchability: 9/10

Score: 9.4/10

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