Monday, April 1, 2013

Parker Review


I don't know what it is about Jason Statham that makes me want to see all of his movie. I mean, I know he's not a good actor (even in his better movies like Snatch), but I still love watching him kick a whole lot of ass. It's a guilty pleasure of mine, and I bet it's probably one of yours too. So, of course I was going to see his latest piece of garbage film, Parker. Oddly enough, it wasn't completely horrendous.

I can easily describe the plot of Parker in one sentence, that will not only very accurately describe the plot, but will also convey the message of just how generic the film is. Ready? Good. Parker is about a thief that is betrayed by his team, so he comes back to exact his revenge. Sound like any other film you've ever seen? Yea, this film is one big genre trope, but goddamnit if Jason Statham isn't great at kicking loads of ass.

I really can't talk at length about this film, because it really was quite generic. Generic bad guy (Michael Chiklis), generic female lead (Jennifer Lopez), and just (generically) awful dialogue. The only saving grace of this film was the fact that it had some beautifully choreographed fight/action sequences. This has always been a staple of Statham's films (see: Transporter 1-3, Crank, etc.) and he didn't fail to deliver this time around .


If you are looking for a mindless action movie that almost tries to be more than it is, but doesn't quite, then see this movie. It's stupid, but makes up for it by giving some great action.

Writing: 3/10
Directing: 3/10
Acting: 3.5/10
Pacing: 4/10
Rewatchability: 5/10

Score: 3.7/10

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